Monday, January 17, 2011

Cliffs of Moher Video Tour

As I walked around the famous Cliffs of Moher with my friends, I wanted to share the beauty with all of my friends and family at home in the states.  So, I decided to create my very own little video tour for all of you!  I thought I’d post it before I posted the story of my long day trip around the Western Coast of Ireland, so that all of you could see the wondrous views as soon as possible. 

Now, before watching…
1.    Pardon the poor narration, but the howling wind kind of overtook my voice.
2.    Sorry about the shaking video, but again that wind was STRONG! There’s a reason that the bus driver kept telling us all to “Mind the edge” and that 14 people died by being blown off of the cliffs in 2010!
3.    Please recognize how lucky we were to have such a beautiful and sunny day- it rained Friday and Saturday, but cleared up just in time for our tour on Sunday morning!

Anyways, enjoy the views.  I know I did!

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